Haikun Cao


Master Student

Email: haikun4515@163.com

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I'm currently a Master student at INSIS@BJTU, Beijing Jiaotong University, supervised by Prof. Shuo Zhang. Previously, I received my degree in computer science and technology from Shaanxi Normal University. I'm broadly interested in the field of computer vision. My current research focuses on image.

✨ News! ✨

Selected Publications

Awards & Honors

07/2023 - 2023 Admitted as a Master at Beijing Jiaotong University.
06/2022 - 2022 Excellent Student at Shaanxi Normal University.
12/2021 - 2021 National Encouragement Scholarship at Shaanxi Normal University.
12/2021 - 2021 First prize in Shaanxi Division of the undergraduate group of CUMCM.